健康 Equity in the Workforce

An 雇主资源指南


The American Heart Association’s 健康 Equity in the Workforce initiative, in collaboration with the Deloitte 健康 Equity Institute, 和人力资源管理协会基金会, 召集雇主和行业领袖来建立一个全面的路线图来创造工具吗, 资源, 和知识产品,以提高我们国家劳动力的健康和福祉.


《沙巴体育平台点击进入》为雇主提供了一份可行的蓝图,以解决健康不平等问题,并对其劳动力的健康产生积极影响. 有详细的指导, economic insights and methods to measure progress, the guide gives business leaders tools to build an employee-centric, equity-minded culture of 健康 and well-being.



Key messages from the Guide

健康 Equity Is When Everyone

健康 Equity Is When Everyone 在社会中有最佳和公平的机会达到他们的最高水平的健康. This means addressing the root causes of inequities.

The Covid-19 Pandemic Highlighted

The Covid-19 Pandemic Highlighted 加剧了美国社区严重的健康不平等,增加了商业领袖的数量, policymakers and other stakeholders who wished to reduce these 健康 inequities.

实现卫生公平 At Work

实现卫生公平 At Work 包括创建系统,为所有员工提供公平和公正的机会和资源,使他们能够达到最高水平的健康和福祉.

Systemic Biases Or Discrimination

Systemic Biases Or Discrimination 在工作场所,这可能是健康公平的一个主要障碍,对员工的健康产生负面影响, 生产力, 士气和保留.


Growing Costs To 健康 Inequities are projected to cost the U.S. economy $1 trillion annually by 2040, according to research from Deloitte.


实现卫生公平 在劳动力中,涉及消除不同雇员亚群体(性别)之间在健康和福祉结果方面的差距, 比赛, 种族, 等.).


增进了解 of 健康 equity is needed, as 60% of Human 资源 professionals report not understanding the term.

Social Factors 在 Broader

Social Factors 在 Broader 社区对员工健康的能力有重大影响,尤其是收入. Addressing these social drivers of 健康 is everyone’s business.


雇主可以提升 健康公平是一项业务和运营战略,可带来更好的员工健康结果.


一个关键的战略方针 就是设计, implement and evaluate comprehensive 健康 and well-being policies and programs, including holistic benefits, 从公平的角度来看.

Organizations Can Measure

Organizations Can Measure their progress and success through consistent data collection, critical evaluation and ongoing monitoring.



健康 equity in the workplace 是否所有员工都有机会实现最高水平的健康和福祉. There are approximately 167 million adults in the U.S. 劳动力, 鉴于健康状况不佳会导致更高的医疗成本和生产力损失, 企业领导人在促进解决不平等问题的卫生公平和福祉文化方面具有既得利益, 歧视和偏见.

The cost of inaction is high. According to a recent analysis from Deloitte, 健康 inequities account for roughly $320 billion 每年U.S. 健康 保健支出 and if left unaddressed, could cost the U.S. $1 trillion annually by 2040.

两者都有 moral and business arguments for promoting 健康 equity at work. 从道德的角度来看, 减轻卫生不平等现象可以通过对生活质量和预期寿命产生积极影响来减少人类痛苦. 组织应该努力改善人类生活的质量,如果他们(不是我们)有能力这样做的话. From a business perspective, 解决卫生不平等问题可减少各种直接和间接成本,从减少卫生保健支出到提高生产力和改善业务绩效.



每年U.S. 健康





By 2040



成本你.S. 雇主






Why should businesses invest in 健康 equity?

Previous studies have shown that a 健康y 劳动力 reduces absenteeism, 的现象, 医疗费用, and improves 生产力. 旷工 in the workplace can 成本你.S. 雇主 $3,600 每小时雇员 and $2,650 每名受薪雇员 annually.

种族歧视, 性别歧视, 恐同症, 劳动力中其他形式的偏见和歧视也会产生经济成本. Approximately 33% of Black employees, 26%的亚裔员工, 21%的西班牙裔拉丁裔员工表示,他们在工作场所因种族或民族而受到不公平待遇. Discrimination at work can lead to chronic stress, which is a risk factor for chronic conditions such as high blood pressure. 种族主义让美国付出了巨大的代价.S. economy $16 trillion in lost opportunity costs over the past 20 years.

Actionable Strategies: Summary

For a more detailed discussion of these 19 strategies, please download the 雇主资源指南.

Align organizational priorities and 资源 with 健康 equity.

  • 将健康公平作为一项战略性业务要务,并将其纳入思维模式, 策略, 操作, 资源分配, 和人才.
  • 通过公平的视角设计和实施全面的健康和福祉政策和计划.
  • 对管理人员进行卫生公平方面的培训,并为他们提供执行和维持卫生公平战略所需的资源.

*This information does not constitute legal advice; these activities should be carefully reviewed in consultation with legal and HR advisors prior to implementation to assess risk as well as compliance with any applicable laws.


  • Take steps to minimize bias and discrimination in hiring and retention practices.
  • 提倡 for culturally and linguistically effective training for all employees.
  • Offer paid family, medical and sick leave.

*This information does not constitute legal advice; these activities should be carefully reviewed in consultation with legal and HR advisors prior to implementation to assess risk as well as compliance with any applicable laws.


  • 不分种族或民族背景,为所有员工提供全面和负担得起的医疗保险.
  • Offer diversity, equity and inclusion training for all employees. Note: Given the shifting policy environment at the state level, 我们建议在实施这些活动之前,与法律和人力资源顾问协商,仔细审查这些活动,以评估风险以及是否符合任何适用的法律.
  • 通过财务教育、福利和其他资源支持员工的财务福利.
  • 采取反歧视原则和实施反歧视政策(例如.g., 比赛, gender, religion 等.).
  • Promote employee 健康 literacy and employee benefits literacy.
  • 审查沟通的文化适宜性、多样性和可及性.
  • Offer and promote the use of employee assistance programs (EAPs).

*This information does not constitute legal advice; these activities should be carefully reviewed in consultation with legal and HR advisors prior to implementation to assess risk as well as compliance with any applicable laws.


  • Include equity metrics and indicators in performance processes and evaluations.
  • 在适当的情况下,确保员工在组织决策中有发言权.
  • Ensure pay equity and promote a living wage.

*This information does not constitute legal advice; these activities should be carefully reviewed in consultation with legal and HR advisors prior to implementation to assess risk as well as compliance with any applicable laws.

通过积极地将公平和正义的原则融入到组织的产品中来推动公平, services and relationships within the communities it operates.

  • 寻找机会扩大供应商池的多样性,并参与由代表性不足的所有者拥有的企业.g. women-owned, Black owned, LGBTQIA+ owned businesses). 
  • 努力组建一个由不同背景的人组成的领导团队,并代表员工和社区.
  • 通过合作和联盟,在社区倡导以科学为基础的公共卫生政策.

*This information does not constitute legal advice; these activities should be carefully reviewed in consultation with legal and HR advisors prior to implementation to assess risk as well as compliance with any applicable laws.